The Wars Remastered
The Wars Remastered
2h 0m
Based on Timothy Findley's acclaimed novel, the film follows Robert Ross (Brent Carver), a nineteen-year-old Canadian living a protected life with his family in an affluent Toronto suburb. He enlists in World War I after the death of his intellectually disabled sister (Ann-Marie MacDonald) in an attempt to escape his grief and the social norms of Edwardian society. Drawn into the madness of war, he finds another way to resolve his conflicts, his dramas, his passions-his wars.
Co-produced by Nielsen-Ferns International Ltd., a division of Torstar Corporation, the National Film Board of Canada and Polyphon Film-Und Fernseh GmbH in association with Südwestfunk Baden-Baden.
Up Next in The Wars Remastered
The Making of The Wars
Acclaimed Canadian actors Martha Henry, Ann-Marie MacDonald, Rod Beattie, Marti Maraden, Producer W. Paterson Ferns and entrepreneur Joe Mandel look back on the making of The Wars (1983), a feature film adapted for the screen by Timothy Findley from his Governor General’s Prize–winning novel of t...