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The Understudy - Coming Soon

The Understudy - Coming Soon

Coming April 03
The Understudy is a peek-behind-the-curtain story of the theatre world. An understudy actor is called upon last-minute to replace the star of a major stage production of Shakespeare's The Tempest. He is also looking after his young granddaughter, and has no choice but to bring her to the theatre. This could be a late-life career break but he only has a few hours to get ready, the stage manager is stressed, and his granddaughter has gone missing backstage.

Montana International Film Festival (MINT)
Best International Short Film

Tacoma Film Festival
Best Narrative Short Film

Peter Pasyk - Writer and Director
Genna Dixon - Producer
Paolo Mancini - Producer
Debra Hanson - Production Designer
Christian Bielz - Cinematographer
Kris Von Kleist - Editor
Richard Feren - Composer
Ian McGettigan - Sound Designer

Tom Rooney as Tom
Mia SwamiNathan as Illy
Maria Vacratsis as Stage Manager
André Sills as Actor
Scott Wentworth as Star
Jennifer Villaverde as Wardrobe Attendant
Mike Nadajewski as Wig Attendant
Jamillah Ross as Stage Door Attendant
Tyrone Savage as Ensemble Member
Shannon Taylor as Assistant Stage Manager
Tim Campbell as Stagehand
Mateo G. Torres as Stagehand

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The Understudy - Coming Soon